30 MAY — 28 JUN 2014


Dibujamadrid Identidad y Ciudad arrives to the city for the fourth consecutive year during the months of May and June. The aim of the project is to pay homage to the art of drawing and illustration giving talks for all audiences and organizing visits. Under the motto of “identity and cities” 5 visits and 5 talks are organized in three strong and heterogeneous neighborhoods of Madrid: El barrio de las Letras, Lavapiés and Conde Duque.

For the first time, we have joined forces with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) through the Cultural Center of Spain in Guatemala. There, Dibujaguatemala is held with the aim of exchanging experiences between illustrators of both countries, spread the work of the participants, enhance the knowledge of their surroundings and promote the creation of networks.

The artists that have participated two illustrators from Guatemala: Enrique Flores and Leslie Nanne, and ten from Madrid: Federico del Barrio, Lluïsot, Enrique Flores, Emmanuel Prost, Antonia Santolaya, Jacobo Pérez Enciso, Gallardo, Leticia Ruifernández, Fernando Bellver and Ignacio Mayayo.

From the 30th of May to the 28th of June, weekends will be dedicated to the world of drawing. The sessions are divided between Friday and Saturday. In Friday, the illustrators who have been invited that weekend to the Museum give a talk; on Saturday, we’ll spend the day making the suggested visits.


A travel notebook locks up the world and the person who observed it

(Enrique Flores)


    Museo ABC


    From the 30th of May to the 28th of June


    €60 (Includes: Attendance to all social gatherings and routes, notebooks and sheets of each visit)